News & Gallery

The meta lab’s first high-performance-computing cluster, mirae, is online.
The meta lab’s first high-performance-computing cluster, mirae, has gone online. The server consists of 9 computing node with the latest Intel Xeon Gold 6342 CPUs and 192 GB DDR4 memory. The server will continue to expand to its full capacity by the next year.
The meta lab's first high-performance-computing cluster, mirae, is online.
The supercomputer time proposal selected.
Prof. Gu’s proposal for the supercomputer time on KISTI supercomputer center has been selected!
The meta lab members get a team-bonding experience.
The lab took a trip to Hamdong reservoir for team-bonding experience.
The meta lab members get a team-bonding experience.
Prof. Gu gives a seminar at Inha University
Prof. Gu gives a seminar at Inha University on the topic of “Interfacing Data Science for Accelerated Materials Science.”
Prof. Gu gives a seminar at Inha University
The first group of students joins Prof. Gu’s Lab.
Jinhyun Kim, Woncheol Lee, Jiwoo Jang, and Jonghak Park join Prof. Gu’s Lab as undergraduate researchers.
The celebration with instructors of chemistry class.
We celebrated the successful end of the chemistry class.
The celebration with instructors of chemistry class.
The first creation workshop.
Prof. Gu gives a presentation on his research at an internal workshop.
The first creation workshop.
Hydrogen energy track signs MOU with Green Energy Institute
Prof. Gu joins the celebration of the MOU between Green Energy Institute and Green Energy Institute.
Hydrogen energy track signs MOU with Green Energy Institute
Relaxing at Najuho
Professors and their families join at Naju-ho to celebrate the successful end of the first semester.
Relaxing at Najuho
NAM conference in New York
Prof. Gu met his colleagues back at the University of Delaware.
NAM conference in New York